
Exactech AI Surgery Technologies

Learn about the future of joint replacement technology in surgery

Who does Exactech AI surgery? Search by specialty and location to find a surgeon near you.

How does Exactech Active Intelligence (AI) surgery work?

At Exactech, we provide surgeons near you with the latest technologies in total joint replacement surgery. Exactech AI surgical technologies help surgeons make precise and personalized decisions during surgery. Our AI surgery platform includes technologies like surgical planning, surgical navigation and patient-specific instruments.

We know nothing can replace your surgeon’s skill and knowledge of what’s best for you. Unlike other joint replacement technologies like robotics and robotic-assisted procedures, your surgeon is in control the whole time. Exactech AI technologies have impacted more than 100,000 patients around the world and are designed to improve patient outcomes and patient satisfaction.


You surgeon creates a personalized plan for your surgery.

Patient-specific Instrumentation

Personalized instrumentation is created based on your unique anatomy.

Surgical Navigation

Smart technology helps your surgeon perform surgery with precision and accuracy.

Not all features are available for every surgery.

How is joint replacement done with technology?

Click on a button below to learn more about Exactech’s total joint replacement technologies. Find out how Exactech AI surgery is different from regular joint replacement surgery.

You, empowered.
You, unstoppable.


Real Patient Experiences with Exactech AI Technologies


Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Exactech AI surgery.

You may have heard of robotics, robotic knee replacement, robot-assisted surgery or AI surgery. With Exactech AI surgery, your surgeon – not a robot – is in control the whole time. Exactech’s AI surgery platform includes the latest technologies like surgical planning, surgical navigation and patient-specific instruments.

Accurate positioning of your knee, shoulder and ankle replacement is very important to the success and longevity of the implant. Exactech AI surgery technology can help your surgeon see your joint and place your implant precisely.

Surgeons use X-rays, surgical tools and special techniques to plan traditional joint replacement surgeries. Exactech AI technologies help your surgeon by using surgical planning software, touchscreen tablets and patient-specific instruments to understand your body, plan your surgery and position the implants.

When it comes to knee replacement surgery using ExactechGPS, the short answer is no. After a surgeon gets used to the new technology, the average time for surgery using ExactechGPS is about the same as regular knee replacement surgery.2

In a survey of people thinking about joint replacement, 87% said they prefer computer-assisted surgery instead of robotic surgery. Many said they feel better knowing that a surgeon’s hands are doing the surgery, not a robot.2

Exactech’s surgeon locator helps you find orthopedic surgeons in your area. The locator provides surgeon contact information and details about shoulder, ankle, hip and knee doctors near you. Search the surgeon locator by choosing the doctor’s specialty and your Zip Code, City or State.


Ready to talk about joint replacement surgery with a doctor?

Search by specialty and location to find an orthopedic surgeon near you.

With any surgery, there are potential risks, and results will vary depending on the patient. Joint replacement surgery is not for everyone. Check with your physician to determine if you are a candidate for joint replacement surgery. Your physician will consider the risks and benefits associated with this procedure, as well as individual factors such as the cause of your condition, your age, height, weight and activity level.

The information contained within this website is for educational purposes only and is not providing medical advice. This information is not intended to replace the expert guidance of your orthopaedic surgeon. Please direct any questions or concerns you may have to your orthopaedic surgeon. Decisions concerning patient care and treatment should be made solely by your physician(s). With any surgery, there are potential risks and results will vary depending on the patient.

  1. Ritter MA, Faris PM, Keating EM, Meding JB. Postoperative alignment of total knee replacement: its effect on survival. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1994; 299:153-156.
  2. Data on file at Exactech.*

*In vitro (bench) test results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance

ExactechGPS® is manufactured by Blue Ortho® and distributed by Exactech.